Object Orientated Programming in R

Sadly this is another post aimed at R users. Recently I’ve been looking into how to make my programming cleaner, one of the main ways of doing this is a method called Object Orientated Programming. It’s used by most of the functions in R for example look at the output from a linear model. #Fit linear model lm_cars <- lm(mpg~.,data=mtcars) is.object(lm_cars) ## [1] TRUE isS4(lm_cars) ## [1] FALSE class(lm_cars) ## [1] "lm" So the first check in the example above checks if lm. »

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Blogging with blogdown

So, I’ve upgraded from the old and outdated ad-riddled wordpress, up to a nice hugo website generated by blogdown, an R package developed by Yihui Xie. You can have a look at my old wordpress here. In my opinion the new blog is a huge improvement and much more efficient too. Here I’ll give some basics on how to get started on making a similar one. So why did I update? »